'5863-92' rose Description
Photo courtesy of N. Pierce's Garden
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Dark red, lighter reverse. . Strong, fruity, musk, old rose, raspberry, sweet fragrance. 40 to 45 petals. Average diameter 4.5". Large, full (26-40 petals), borne mostly solitary, exhibition, high-centered bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season.
Tall, few or no prickles/thorns, upright. Small, semi-glossy, dark green foliage.
Height: 5' to 6' (150 to 185cm).
USDA zone 6b through 9b (default). Can be used for beds and borders, cut flower, exhibition, garden or landscape. Heat tolerant. Disease susceptibility: very disease resistant. Remove spent blooms to encourage re-bloom. Spring Pruning: Remove old canes and dead or diseased wood and cut back canes that cross. In warmer climates, cut back the remaining canes by about one-third. In colder areas, you'll probably find you'll have to prune a little more than that.
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
Internal breeder code: 5863-92 Bred in 1999 according to the Roseraie Tete d'Or in Lyon. This rose was named for the Firefighters who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. "Remember Me" Rose Gardens will be building 3 rose gardens near where the planes crashed that day and each garden will have one rose bush for each victim that day....nearly 3000 roses in each garden. They have been introducing roses every year named for different victim groups. Other roses include Soaring Spirits (Twin Tower victims), Forty Heroes (Flight 93), We Salute You (The Pentagon), and The Finest (NYC Police). Remember-me-rose.org