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Florist Roses
Cut the flowers and put them in a water-filled container. Refrigerate for 24 hours. Then arrange them.
[Joseph Pemberton's practice, according to Jack Harkness in, The Makers of Heavenly Roses, p. 83:] He paid attention to such details as the temperature of the water, which he thought should be about 5 degrees F lower than the afternoon air temperature. If it was too cold, it would make the petals curl over instead of expanding...
[From Roses: Old Roses and Species Roses, by Eleonore Cruse, p. 14:] Roses picked in bud early in the morning will open indoors and last longer than flowers picked fully blown, but they will not have such a strong scent.
[From Meilland: A Life in Roses, by Alain Meilland, p. 4:] As for the new varieties of cut flowers that one buys at the florist's shop bearing the Meilland signature, only once every three or four years is a new variety of rose judged worthy of being cultivated and placed on the market. This is approximately one success for every four thousand tries.
[From Meilland: A Life in Roses, by Alain Meilland, p. 25:] For the last fifteen years [the author was writing in 1984] we have brought out but four florists' roses, but each of them is famous and has enjoyed prodigious success: 'Sonia' in 1970, 'Visa' in 1972, 'Bettina' in 1978, and 'Candia' in 1979.
[From Peter Schneider on Roses, by Peter Schneider, pp. 7-8:] When cutting buds of any rose variety, it is essential that the sepals be down, with color showing, for the bloom to open properly. Even if frost is approaching, it is no use to cut rose buds if the sepals are not yet down.
[From The Rose: An Encyclopedia of North American Roses, Rosarians, and Rose Lore, by Sean McCann, p. 63:] Florist roses are generally varieties that will perform well only in greenhouse conditions. Few of them have a place in the garden. They are said to be the most difficult roses of any to breed, taking all of ten years from seedling to marketplace.
In The Rose: An Encyclopedia of North American Roses, Rosarians, and Rose Lore, p. 63, Sean McCann calls E. Gurney Hill the father of greenhouse growing in the United States.
[From The Rose: An Encyclopedia of North American Roses, Rosarians, and Rose Lore, by Sean McCann pp. 13-14:] In the 1920s and 1930s, no dinner, ball, banquet, wedding, or society reception was complete with garlands, bowls and vases of 'American Beauty'...
[From Meilland: A Life in Roses, by Alain Meilland, p. 96: writing in 1984] In the way of cut roses we have released five varieties in twenty years and each has been a major event: 'Rouge Meilland' ('Happiness') in 1949; 'Baccara' in 1955; one of the world's most famous roses, 'Carina' in 1964; 'Sonia' in 1970; and 'Visa' in 1972...
[From Meilland: A Life in Roses, by Alain Meilland, p. 98:] more than half the demand for garden varieties is for red roses. The percentage is even higher in the field of roses for florists... In northern countries yellow roses, salmon-colored roses, and geranium-colored roses are the most appreciated. In the south people tend more toward rose-colored varieties... whereas they might produce a new florist rose every seven years, Meilland produces an average of four new garden roses every year...
[From Cut-fower Roses, by Rayford Reddell, p. 48:] Miniature roses are among the best of all cut flowers. In general, they outlast their full-size relatives for days. None outperforms 'Jean Kenneally'.
[From Botanica's Roses, p. 81: in a discussion of 'Angelique'] There is little in the way of fragrance, as is normal with good cut-flower roses, because the petals of such varieties need to be hard so that the flowers will travel safely to market without bruising; when petals are hard the scent glands function poorly. The myth that roses have lost their scent probably arises from the commercial necessities of the florist trade, although thousands of garden roses have retained their fragrance.
[From the Encyclopedia of Rose Science, "Fragrance Profiles of Wild and Cultivated Rose" by H. A. Verhoeven, J. Blaas and W. A. Brandenburg, pp. 240-248: "][The focus of plant breeding changed from fragrance to plant production] after the concept was introducted that flower fragrance may show a negative correlation with the average vase-life of cut flowers. In the case of roses, this led to the development of many beautiful roses in the sense of flower shape and colour with an enchanced vase-life, but with only a fraction of the fragrance of earlier cultivars or wild species." (emphasis added)
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