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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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[From The Practical Book of Outdoor Rose Growing, by George C. Thomas, Jr., p. 19-20:] In budding roses a strong stock is secured and the variety selected is budded upon this stock, eventually becoming a part of it. The actual operation of budding is merely to cut off the dormant bud from the variety which it is desired to perpetuate and, cutting a slit in the bark of the stock, to introduce the bud into the same... In England the two stocks most commonly used as Manetti and Briar. In the case of roses with a proponderance of Hybrid Perpetual blood the 'Manetti' stock is generally used; for those containing much tea blood the 'Briar' has been found the better stock. A few growers in this country are trying Japanese Multiflora [Note: the author was writing in 1915] ...

There are two objections to budded roses. First, they occasionally break off at the bud... The second and main reason is that the stocks upon which the roses are budded throw up shoots of their own below the bud, which, if left, take the entire nourishment of the roots and check the budded growth by crowding it out and taking its light and sunshine... [p. 21: to minimize this] roses must be planted with the bud two to three inches below the surface of the soil... If planted less deeply they will throw a greater number of suckers. Fewer suckers develop gtom 'Multiflora' than from 'Briar' or 'Manetti'.

See Rootstocks.

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