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Vibert, Jean-Pierre
'Vibert, Jean-Pierre'  photo
Photo courtesy of vitiferas
Rose Author, Breeder and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Thu Sep 2024
Angers, Pays De La Loire
Jean-Pierre Vibert (January 31, 1777 Paris - January 27, 1866 Montfort-l'Amaury). He married [in 1805?] Adélaïde Charlotte Heu (March 14, 1785 Versailles - January 17, 1816 Paris) and had one son, Théodore Vibert (September 9, 1813 Soisy-sur-Seine - March 13, 1850 Paris), an engraver, as well as possibly two daughters Adélaïde (d. 5 years old) and Aimée. He was succeeded in 1851 by his gardener Robert. His grandson was the French painter Jean ("Jehan") Georges Vibert (September 30, 1840 Paris - July 26, 1902 Paris).

Vibert's locations:
1804-1812: Montparnasse , Paris (private garden)
1813-1827: Chennevières-sur-Marne (nursery)
1827-1835: Saint-Denis (nursery, sold in 1835)
1836-1838: Longjumeau
1839-1851: Angers (nursery)
1851-1866: Montfort-l'Amaury

The best source for online information about Jean-Pierre Vibert (beyond a shadow of a doubt!) is Brent Dickerson's appreciation to Vibert at: Dickerson, author of The Old Rose Advisor and The Old Rose Adventurer, is a great admirer of of Vibert. (If we're lucky, Dickerson may even publish a biography about him! For the time being, his site devoted to Vibert is the next best thing.)
[From Monographie du Genre Rosier, by Auguste de Pronville, 1824, p. 148:] ...the most considerable [collection] from the aspect of varieties of seedlings, is ...that of M. Vibert at Chènevières-sur-Marne. The basis of this immense reunion of roses is the old collection of Descemet at Saint-Denis, which was justifiedly held as the most remarkable of the Paris region. The varieties which M. Vibert has obtained from seed are numerous; and each year, at the flowering season, all gardeners and amateurs do not miss to meet at Chènevières...

[From Le Bon Jardinier, 1824, p. 969:] Al. Vibert, de Chènevière-sur-Marne , près Paris , possède une très-belle collection de rosiers ; son catalogue fait foi qu'il les cultive avec une grande passion. Il offre aux amateurs des ressources précieuses pour mouter à un prix très-raisonnable une collection choisie. On peut aussi compter tout à la fois sur une grande exactitude dans l'identité et l'expédition

[From Taschenbuch des verständigen Gärtners, 1824, p. 1151:] M. Vibert of Chenevieres-sur-Marne near Paris announces 600 different roses, species as well as varieties and hybrids. One can evaluate his classification as one wishes, but so much is sure, that he has a very beautiful rose collection, which he cares for with much partiality.

[From Rosetum Gallicum, by Narcisse Desportes, 1828, p. 124:] VIBERT, à Chenevières-sur-Marne, près Paris.

[From Annales de la Société d'Horticulture de Paris, Vol. 5, 1829, pp. 145-152:] Rapport sur, l'établissement et la culture des Roses, de M. VIBERT, à Saint-Denis ; par M. l'abbé BERLÈSE ... Déjà, vers l'année 1812, il obhtenait de ses semis d'heureux résultats, lorsque, dans l'été de 1815, par suite de l'invasion ennemie, la collection de M. Descemet dut être vendue et emportée pour le 3 août. ...M. Vibert demeurait, il y a vingt mois, à Chenevières-sur-Marnc , où il cultivait six arpens de terre en Rosiers.....cune a un carré spécial marqué et numéroté. Les Cent-Feuilles, par exemple, sont divisées en Cent-Feuilles proprement dites , en Cent-Feuilles mousseuses et en Cent-Feuilles hybrides. ....Plus de deux mille cinq cents beaux sujets greffés ou francs de pied, placés avec goût dans les plates-bandes, représentent presque toutes les plus belles espèces ou variétés cultivées. C

[From Le Bon Jardinier, 1833, p. 858:] Vibert, à Saint-Denis, près Paris.

[From Annales de Flore et de Pomone, Vol. 5, June 1837, p. 288:] Un d'entre eux, M. Vibert, qui depuis trente ans s'est livré exclusivement à la culture des roses, et dont le bel établissement est sis à Longjumeau, sur la route d'Orléans, se disposait pour sa part à en exposer quatre cent trente-deux variétés. Il avait fait préparer dans ce but des gradins garnis de petites bouteilles pleines d'eau, dans lesquelles auraient plongé les pédoncules des fleurs, afin de conserver plus long-temps leur fraîcheur. Il entendait d'ailleurs les renouveler toutes les fois quecela aurait été nécessaire. Il est vraiment fâcheux qu'un tel projet n'ait pu être réalisé , car à en juger par les cent soixante-douze variétés qu'il a exposées de cette manière, dans le lieu ordinaire des séances de la Société, et qui ont fait l'admiration de tous les membres présens, une si nombreuse collection était destinée à produire un effet magique, par la variété du coloris et le parfum délicieux qui s'en serait exhalé.

[From Revue Horticole, August 1839, p. 239:] Le plus grand et le plus complet de tous les établissements de culture et de collection des rosiers, celui de M. Vibert, va être transporté de Longjumeau à Angers.

[From Revue Horticole, November 1839, p. 272:] M. Vibert transporte son établissement à Angers. Son nouveau catalogue Porte 900 noms de Roses..."Mon établissement, que j'ai fondé en 1815, et où les Rosiers seuls sont cultivés pour la commerce..."

[From The Rose Garden, by William Paul, pp. 15-16:] The patronage of the Empress [Josephine at Malmaison] gave an impetus to Rose culture. Establishments were soon formed solely for the purpose, among the earliest of which were those of M. Descemet and M. Vibert, and the taste spread throughout Europe. It has been said that the collection of the former at St Denis was destroyed by the English troops in 1815, but I believe they were sold to M. Vibert and removed to Chenevieres-sur-Marne on the approach of the allied troops.
[From The Rose Garden, by William Paul, p. 16: Many of Vibert's] striped and spotted Roses... though much admired and cultivated in France, have never been very popular in [England]... In the Preface to his Catalogue, published towards the close of 1846, M. Vibert writes to this effect: '' "My establishment, which I founded in 1815, and where Roses only are cultivated for sale, is the first of the kind which had existence in France. Thirty-five years' practice in this branch of Horticulture, with numerous and reiterated experiments made in every mode of cultivation; a long habit of seeing, studying, and of comparing the productions of this beautiful genus -- such are at the least the claims I have made to public confidence..."
[From The Rose Garden, by William Paul, p. 17:] Vibert's operations produced chiefly French and Provence, and a few varieties of Moss and Hybrid Perpetual Roses...
[From The Rose Garden, by William Paul, p. 16:] one of the most celebrated cultivators among the French. He founded his establishment at Chenevieres-sur-Marne, in the vicinity of Paris, in 1815, at which time the only Moss Rose known in France was the Red or Common one. He removed a few years later to Angers...
[From The Rose Garden, by William Paul, p. 16:] In the preface to his Catalogue, published towards the close of 1846, M. Vibert writes: "My establishment, which I founded in 1815, and where Roses only are cultivated for sale, is the first of the kind which had existence in France..."

[From Travaux du Comice Horticole du Maine et Loire, 1850, Vol. 4, n.30:] Vibert, au Mail. (Roses, vignes, etc.)

[From Bulletin de Travaux de la Société d'Horticole de la Seine, 1850, p. 106:] Séance du 1er avril 1850....M. VIBERT, semeur et cultivateur de rosiers et de vignes, à Angers (Maine-et-Loire),.est proposé comme membre honoraire de la Société, en reconnaissance des progrès qu'il a fait faire à la science horticole pendant sa longue et laborieuse carrière.

[From Travaux du Comice Horticole du Maine et Loire,1852, vol. 4, n.32, p. 161-162:] Les belles et nombreuses collections de roses et de vignes de M. Vibert, viennent récemment de passer entre les mains de M. Robert, son intelligent jardinier. Le catalogue des rosiers de M. Robert pour l'hiver de 1851 à 1852, indique 975 espèces ou variétés. Au nombre de ces roses, dont la majeure partie était déjà cultivée par M. Vibert se trouvent comprises les acquisitions nouvelles, ainsi que les semis de M. Robert

[From The Graham Stuart Thomas Rose Book, p. 10:] Descemet, the nurseryman at St Denis, had some ten thousand seedlings when the Allies prepared to march into Paris in 1815... these were rescued by Vibert and taken to safety on the Marne...

[From Phillips & Rix, The Quest for the Rose, 1993 p. 105:] (1777-1866) He began collecting roses in 1810. He fought under Napoleon in the Peninsular War but retired after sustaining many wounds... André Dupont, a well-known [rose] breeder and collector patronized by the Empress Josephine, encouraged in young Vibert an interest in roses. In 1812 Vibert moved to Chennevières-sur-Marne on the outskirts of Paris where he began to grow roses. In 1815 he bought the stock and business of M. Descemet in St Denis which had been sacked by the allied armies after the defeat at Waterloo. Although the roses were moved to his nursery in August most of them survived. In 1827 he left Chennevières-sur-Marne because of infestations of cockchafer grubs and moved to St Denis where he grew roses until his retirement in 1835, when he moved his seedlings and choicest plants to Longjumeau. But the roses were again plagued by cockchafers so he moved south from Paris to Angers where he continued breeding roses until he finally retired in 1851. He sold the business to his gardener, M. Robert. Shortly before his death in 1866 Vibert told his grandson, 'I have loved only Napoleon and roses... after all the evils from which I have suffered there remain to me only two objects of profound hatred, the English, who overthrew my idol, and the white worms that destroyed my roses.'
[From The Old Rose Informant, by Brent C. Dickerson, 2000, p. 5:] In 1820, Jean-Pierre Vibert wrote that in his catalog, he] put a capital D after the names of those found [among his seddlings] by Monsieur Descemet; I believe that I owe this modest mark or recognition to that estimable grower...
[Ibid, p. 9: in an attempt to devise an accurate system for classifying roses, Jean-Pierre Vibert relied on a long list of criteria, including aspects of the flower, fruit, petals, and prickles, and even then, he found some roses could actually be placed in more than one class. On top of that,, there were roses which didn't fit easily into any class --] As to those which I have decided are not appropriate to any of my divisions, I have referred them to the class of Uncertain Hybrids...
[Ibid, p. 12: In 1820, Vibert reported that he had] already sent to [Descemet in] Odessa more than three hundred and fifty varieties or species of roses; and I have a standing order to send there whatever new material of this genus I can obtain in the future...
[Ibid, p. 26:] By 1824, Vibert reported that he was growing over 70 varieties of Albas and was "much occupied" with them...

[From La Rose, une Passion française, by François Joyaux, 2001, p. 100-103:] Vibert avait lui-même entrepris une petite collection dans don jardin, à Montparnasse....s'installé, en 1813, à Chennevières-sur-Marne...Au beaux milieu du mois d'août transplanta de Saint-Denis à Chennevières une dizaine de milliers de rosiers [de Descemet]...Vibert demeura quatorze ans a Chennevières, jusqu'em 1827...cette année 1827 pépinière fut infestée de larves de hannetons [maybugs]. Il fut contraint de quitter le village et partit se réinstaller à Saint Denis où il demeura sept ans... en 1835, Vibert, alors agé de 58 ans, envisagea très sérieusement de cesser ses activités. Il vendit ses pépinières de Saint-Denis et s'inscivit à la Société d'agriculture, des sciences et arts d'Angers...ce fut pour Longjumeau qu'il partit, en 1836. Puis, il changea d'idée et, finalement, décida, en 1839, de se réinstaller tout prés d'Angers...Vibert demeura à Angers jusqu'en 1851... Il se retira aux environs de Paris, à Montfort-l'Amaury....Vibert céda ses pépinières à son chef jardinier, Robert...
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