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Loddiges, Conrad
'Loddiges, Conrad'  photo
Photo courtesy of CybeRose
Rose and peony Breeder  

Listing last updated on Wed Mar 2025
United Kingdom
[From Journal of a Horticultural Tour through some parts of Flanders, Holland, and the North of France, in the Autumn of 1817, by Patrick Neill, 1823, p. 514-515:] ...Messrs Loddiges and Sons, nurserymen, Hackney....I was in Mr Loddiges' grounds about 30 years ago, when he had only one small glazed house; but even at that time he excelled all in the Propagation of American plants...

[From Monographie du Genre Rosier, 1824, by Auguste de Pronville, p. 149:] French amateurs seeking rare plants go to England to look for the production of the Cape and New Holland...especially to the new establishment of Mr. Loddiges, where one also finds roses from India and China which have never appeared in France, and laso unique varities, such as the pompon mousseux, the price of which is still too high to be universally distributed. The rose catalogue of this nursery, one says, includes twelve hundred varieties.

[From Rosetum Gallicum, by Narcisse Desportes, 1828, p. 124:] LODDIGES, à Hackney, près Londres.

[From Journal d'agriculture, 1829, p. 53] Nurserymen and fanciers who sell. ...Loddgs, at Hackney

[From The Rose Garden, p. 25:] In the Catalogue of Messrs Loddiges & Sons, 1826, no less than 1393 species and varieties of Roses are numbered as existing in their nursery at Hackney, and there is an additional list of 66 "Chinese with varieties and Hybrids."

[From The Old Rose Informant, by Brent C. Dickerson, p. 53: Jean-Pierre Vibert wrote in 1824:] The firms of Lee and Loddiges undertake commercial relations with different points all across the globe, and each one employs perhaps a hundred and fifty people.
[From The Old Rose Adventurer, by Brent C. Dickerson, p. 29: circa 1825:] the collection of Messrs. Loddiges, at Hackney (England), was composed of 2,000 varieties of Provins roses. But the greater number of these had nothing remarkable about them other than their sonorous names, and only a few remain in collections [c. 1885]
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